What We Do
Get Support
Get the information and support you need about the resources available to you in your area.
Get Active
Improve mobility and increase strength in weekly fitness classes for all abilities with BVAA Fit!
Get Creative
Making art is just part of being creative - choose from a wide range of projects and learn new skills.
Get Informed
Educational opportunities provide respectful interaction with interesting and like-minded people.
Get Connected
Get to know your community. BVAA offers opportunities to discuss various topics with community leaders.
Get Nourished (Monthly Menu)
Maintain a healthy weight and increase your energy with healthfully balanced meals and other nutritional services.
Our doors are open and we are working hard to enrich the lives of older adults every day.
individuals received one or more services
requests for I & A answered
homemade lunches were served
pounds of supplemental foods distributed
Upcoming Events
Birthday Bash sponsored by...
Weekly Bingo sponsored by...
Campus Holiday Celebration sponsored by...
Call 610-383-6900 for more information